He..heee this Mia..let me continue the story now..Tia tu pasal apa tah ambik gambar pun takut..hisshhh adik beraniii kan mama..anyway..we had so much activities during the long weekend,we went Genting,we celebrated pakcik's 34th Anniversary and mama cooked us many yummy foods..okay mari adik bawak tengok gambar2 kat bawak..they are great photos and memories:)
Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Warning Alert : This is a very long Entry!
Hello.. I am Tia and today Tia will be writing..tapi kalau dah penat nanti Mia will take over lah.Friday: mama and papa took leave,papa wanted to renew his passport as he will be going to Munich for conference this coming March. Mama and us tagged along to the immigration, papa said we should do our passport too..alamak we made havoc there especially me..i was scared to death to take photo and i refused to give my thumbprint..Mia pulak macam biasa jer..berlagak lah adik ni.Mama was quite upset she had to force my glued to the ground feet to the counter to give my cute thumbprint..it was not bad at all..mama gave me her fierce face.. in the end we managed to get our passport and eventhough we are not going anywhere in the near future but this is the first step to meet the world..yeahhh we got passport already.
He..heee this Mia..let me continue the story now..Tia tu pasal apa tah ambik gambar pun takut..hisshhh adik beraniii kan mama..anyway..we had so much activities during the long weekend,we went Genting,we celebrated pakcik's 34th Anniversary and mama cooked us many yummy foods..okay mari adik bawak tengok gambar2 kat bawak..they are great photos and memories:)
ha..haaa..Tia dah bengkak mata nangis then baru boleh ambik gambar..sian Tia you looked so sad lah Tia.
Me, adik.. i look serious kan macam godfather's grandaughter lahhh...
Finally we got our passport....so tiring..we syukeee..
Saturday, we went Genting..Heni and uwan didn't follow,uwan tak larat nak jalan2 banyak sangat nanti..so mama asked heni to take rest on saturday,mama gave pocket money and asked her and uwan to go and have lunch at the nice restaurant just across our house.Uwan and heni once in a while love to do that..they will stop at the groceries store to buy things they like..last week they both bought"mat kool" ice cream:)
It was cold in genting..fogs banyak and we love fogs.
After we parked our car we went to the garden to have lunch,mama packed our sushi rice..we like sushi.
Then there were this couple with lovely girl who want to take picture with us..they said we are too cute and they couldn't resist taking picture with us..we complied as they came from eastern india and on holiday in genting...that is not our mama in kurta okay.
We had the "kuch kuch hota hei" photo session there..Tia dogil tak nak jadi actress in this film.
Finally we managed to take a decent photo..bye bye sonia..have a safe trip to bollywood and send our hello to shah rukh khan and amir khan okay.
We love to have lunch at this garden..it was cold..can you see the fog?
Our mama had to bring the sushi all over the garden to feed us...tapi she happy because we makan banyak.
They have beautiful flowers here..mama said this bloom is called "balung ayam" in malay ..
Papa bought the unlimited indoor pass and we started our fun day with a ride on our favourite carousel.
After the carousel rides we stopped for lunch at pizza hut..we ate a lot in genting,we finished the olio spaghetti and the pizza.
our metabolism is very high..see after finishing a plate of spaghetti my tummy is still trim and lean..kann.kannn..
Since our tummy is already fulled and we have unlimited pass that can last until 1.00am..we pun apa lagi bersiap lah untuk naik semua rides.
We naik macam2..flower boat,train,raindeer sledge,gondola..sampai mama tak larat ambik gambar lah
We we re quite tired after all the rides and we stopped for popcorn and hot milo before heading back to Kota damansara.
On the way to the carpark we saw this "Avatar dragon bird"..we were so happy as we have watched Avatar at home with mama papa.
Sunday,pakcik came..it was pakcik and makcik's 34th Anniversary.."Happy Anniversary pakcik,moga panjang umur,sihat and murah rezki"..we love you pakcik and makcik.Pakcik and makcik took us out for breakfast at the nasik kandar at tesco..we love that area sebab boleh lari2.
We had our half boiled eggs there..it was yummy
See what i mean..kan syokk main air kat sini..
We berlari sana sini...
makcik bought us Playdoh at tesco..we brought back and buat macam2 with kak ikin and pakcik
we buat cake,bear,lizard etc...
Tu pakcik tengah lecture kita lah tu..tak kasi kita sepah2 and jangan nakal2..okaylah pakcik
Mama tak der hadiah for pakcik but she cooked special lunch "semua lauk noghori sembilan punya" favourite pakcik lah..sampai tumis terung tu pun terung kampung jugak..
Ni gulai kepala ikan masak lemak cilipadi dengan petai dan tomato..memang sangat sedap..kepala ikan tu lembut2 jer..kuah dia pulak hmm wangi sungguh aroma petai..haaa..haaa
Ni pun kegemaran ramai..goreng berkunyit cili padi hati dan pedal ayam bubuh kacang panjang..masakan orang kampung zaman dulu ni..mama dah improve sikit lagi umphhh now.
Lepas lunch pakcik and kak ikin balik..kita orang pun tidur from 1.30 sampai pukul 4.00 petang!!!..mama kejutkan kita orang sebab thunder and lighting..kita orang takut.. tak boleh pergi mana mama pun masuk kitchen keluar milk,floor and eggs and cooked us homemade pancakes served with homemade strawberry jam and butter..
Sedapppp mama..but we makan with chocolate sauce lahhh..papa ate with honey and butter
Tak caya.. seee sodap sungguh sampai panjang ni lidah keluar..takuttttt
After tea..we went jogging at the park..mama suap us rice with spinach soup there..
balik lapar lagi ..mama cooked us prawn olio spaghetti..wahhh sungguh sedap..we makan banyak tak ingat sampai papa asked us to stop.
Tu heni sedang sembahyang maghrib kat belakang..uwan followed pakcik balik cheras..bila kita 4 orang jer..mama served dinner at kitchen..small table senang nak kemas..weekend mama bagi heni rehat...apa pun mama buat mama kemas semua balik...so heni kurang kerja weekend.
He..heee this Mia..let me continue the story now..Tia tu pasal apa tah ambik gambar pun takut..hisshhh adik beraniii kan mama..anyway..we had so much activities during the long weekend,we went Genting,we celebrated pakcik's 34th Anniversary and mama cooked us many yummy foods..okay mari adik bawak tengok gambar2 kat bawak..they are great photos and memories:)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Rondang Ayam Noghori Semilan.
Zaman dulu bila uwan cakap "omak nak ngulai ayam masak serai hari ni"..wahhh suka betul mama sebab ayam kampung memang sedap,mesti mama cakap "hati dengan pedal dia goreng buh kunyit yer mak". Orang N9 panggil gulai masak lemak cilipadi "ayam masak sorai(serai)' and to mama,arwah atuk and the rest of mama's siblings gulai ayam uwan yang paling sedap dalam dunia ni..kuah dia just nice,tak pekat sangat,cantik,licin tak curdle, isi ayam pulak tak kering,juicy tapi tak mentah,semua just nice.Tanya lah pakcik (papa kak ikin) mesti dia setuju seratus peratus gulai ayam masak serai uwan dan rendang ayam kampung uwan paling sedap,tak payah ada lauk lain just nasik panas berasap,ulam and the gulai,habis berpinggan.Hmm memang rindu masakan uwan..teringat kalau dulu balik kampung uwan kat dapur bau wangi masakan macam2..indah sangat bila masuk pagar nampak dia dalam dapur, angkat tudung saji tengok masakan dah terhidang..rindunyerrr. Tak apalah sekarang turn mama untuk masak2 untuk uwan pulak,mama suka masak2 ni especially bila ramai yang datang nak makan..seronok.Mama tak pernah belajar secara formal dengan uwan nak gulai ayam masak serai ni tapi selalu tengok,uwan kukur kelapa mama duduk belakang dia,uwan tumbuk cili,kunyit mama menempak duduk sebelah,uwan kacau gulai mama sibuk jugak nak mengacau bila dah besar mama pun boleh masak gulai and rendang ni..dan dengan bukti2 yang sahih..hee..heee..mama boleh lah cakap gulai mama kalau tak 100% pun sekurang-kurangnya 90% sama macam uwan masak..tak caya tanya bebudak pompuan kuat makan tu or pakcik. Seminggu ni uwan ada cakap paktih (abang no 2 mama di rembau) ada called and cakap "nak makan lemang datanglah rembau" so mama guess uwan teringat lah nak makan rendang, so minggu ni dah dua kali mama beli lemang,hari tu beli lemang dengan rendang but pagi ni mama masak sendiri rendang. Bermakna and gembira bila pagi ni mama sedang mengacau rendang kat dapur after subuh uwan masuk dapur cakap "apo sodap bonar bau ni..kau rondang ayam ko..terbau sorai (serai) dia". Tambah indah bila Tia tercegat kat tepi dapur and cakap "mama cooking? Tia nak see".. sama macam mama buat kat uwan dulu2..memang lah dunia bulat berputar.Dulu2 memang mama macam malas nak layan the kenits kat dapur yelah mama nak cepat,then mama realised semua ni learning process for you both,so mama took time to explain..tunjuk mana satu onion,garlic,tumeric,ginger..how to pound chillies,pestle,mortar..what is frying,boiling..kadang2 mama suruh ambik barang untuk tolong ..so now you both tahu mana "ladle,whisker,pot,pan..beza garlic and onion".
Bila dah masak suka hati tengok uwan and papa makan nampak berselera betul..sodap ruponya den masak..hee..heee.
Mama guna ayam omega..potong kecik sikit dan sebab ayam daging kena keringkan dulu dalam kuali,kalau terus taruk santan nanti dalam dia macam lembik2 tak sedap..nak dapat hasil macam ayam kampung,tumbuk cilipadi,kunyit,bawang putih and merah and serai,ayam dah tos kan betul2,masuk dalam kuali gaul dengan bahan bertumbuk. Sebab mama nak guna low cholestrol santan kenalah taruk olive oil sikit.sebab kalau tak nanti tak berminyak langsung ,nak makan sedap pun kesihatan nak jugak jaga..kat company mama ramai betul lately kena heart attack.food ,lifestyle sekarang menyumbang banyak penyakit..risau.
Bila bau dah naik sikit and air ayam dah kering nampak brown2 sikit keliling,masukkan santan,gulai ayam N9 ni tak payah guna daun limau purut atau apa2 nanti rasa dia lari,kalau bahan tumbukan iaitu cili,kunyit,serai betul..rasa original yang sedap tu terserlah.Biar mendidih kacau sampai lah kering dan bau wangi masuk segenap penjuru sampai rumah jiran and post guard..haaa..haaa..sebab tu kena bagi jiran sepinggan jugak:)
Sebab duduk kota damansara tak ada tempat nak bakar lemang..mama beli jer lah lemang kat jusco,simpan dalam fridge,bila nak makan,mama potong nipis,sapu olive oil dalam oven tray,susun lemang and bakar sampai nampak olive oil kat base mendidih.
Wallaaaaa..hasilnya..sangat sedap...tak peduli lah masuk bakul angkat sendiri ke..mama rasa memang rendang mama sodappp..haaaa..kalau beli kat luar minyak dia boleh buat mandi tapi ni semua di pantau..tanpa minyak berlinang pun uwan koba sangat sedap..papa tak cakap pun tapi makan tak angkat muka:) Sodap kan uwan..tak payah balik pilah lah nak makan lomang,kat kota damasara ni pun boleh buek haaa.
Sebelum pergi office nak kena masak lauk dua tuan puteri tu..mama tak harap maid masak,biarlah kita buat sendiri..kan anak kita..so pagi ni since dah potong ayam mama pun buat chicken soup with celery and carrot.
Si kenit tak lah suka sangat makan lemang ni..suka mengacau jer..so mama buat lah toast,cut the hotdog bun into two..grease pan with butter..and toast sampai kuning.
Sambil berlari di halaman pagi ni..both makan toast with scramble eggs.
See.. ni kerja dua orang ni pagi2..kadang2 nak breakfast depan tv,kadang2 nak makan sama kat meja,kadang2 nak duduk makan kat luar..push chair tu beli kat toy r us dia orang naik dua kali jer..dah tu buat tolak Miss Bear jer lah.."Tia Mia bila nak belajar buat rondang noghori semilan pulak ni.... copek belajar tumbuk cilipadi ni..blender tak sodap..mesti kono tumbuk dalam lesung jugak".
Bila dah masak suka hati tengok uwan and papa makan nampak berselera betul..sodap ruponya den masak..hee..heee.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Going Italian with Lovely Girls
They have grown up, become lovely and independent ladies..to my eyes somehow; they are stilled the little nieces. My nieces are special,they prepared for my wedding,painted my room,tied ribbons to my wedding gifts,drew henna on my hands, helped me during my confinement and they are like Godmothers to Tia and Mia.We pray that we will have more times together and not losing the 'magic feeling" when we see and hang around with each other. My niece,my girlfriend,my bestfriend and my sister..maksu loves you all and to Nur :"Happy Birthday",maksu wishes a blessed and wonderful life,your good heart will take you to the peak of happiness one day..Insyallah.
The Place- as promised we went Italian at the Italiannies - teringat "the two italian girls" at home bila makan:(
Arrived at the restaurant,ikin was hungry and Nur "on my way" lagi..we decided to order first and she should eat whatever we eat..who's birthday is this? hee..heee nasib la siapa suruh lambat:)
Love the bread at Italiannies..I have the black vinegar and thyme olive oil at home but it is still not same..yang berbayar tu lagi sedap:)
The Chicken Cajun salad is very nice..the mango and grape are very sweet,ceaser dressing is my favourite
Shrimp Linguine are everbody's favourite..the portion was really big,the prawns were fat,sweet and fresh..the sweet sour taste from the tomato puree and dices was complimented by the smokey taste from the baked shredded garlic.
My flesh and blood - alhamdullillah both are good daughters to their parents,ikin a good wife to Mr Din and Nur is stilled looking for Mr Right..maksu prays that you find a good one,a soulmate that can accept you and our family.
What are our similarities? Nur in her twenties,ikin in her late twenties and me..stilled early twenties la..haaa..haa..me legal backkground,Nur accounting expert now in Marketing line,ikin IT girl since day one..different age and profession but almost similar in all other aspects..we click,we rock,we support each other:)
Syok ada anak sedara perempuan ramai2..especially bila orang tanya your sister ke tu?haa..haaa kombang seluar ketat..ada ramai lagi intan,idah,yatie,ina(johor),ina (rembau),ayan..since ayan,nur,ikin and intan are in KL senang lah jumpa..the rest are kept in my heart..never lupa..always in my prays...hopefully Tia Mia will continue the tradition..it is already started,they love "kak nur si brown hair,kak kikin ,kak ayan etc.
Birthday Girl with her presents..maksu tak der lah bagi blackberry,Coach bag macam office kau tu Nur...a small thing from my heart (excuse ler tu sebab bagi benda kecik..hee..heee)..yang dalam green box from from kak ikin..benda2 yang wangi..haaa haaa ada makna tu Nur..
Haaa.. this is what i got for Nur..cute isn't it,the pendants consist of small heart shape, a pearl and a little russian doll.I found a new shop selling accessories from UK,they are all lovely..it called "accessorize" at New Wing,One Utama..they have items for little kids too....berkunjung lagi kesitu nampaknya minggu ni:) Nur remember this is an investment from maksu for maksu's upcoming birthday on 29.7..haaa jangan tak ingat..ikin pun:)..he..hee
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