Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Little Women
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is mama's favourite movie, mama had watched the vcd again and again and everytime watching it mama can't help but to cry. The story is not the melancholic,teary type but it was so succesful in decscribing the little women lifes,their hopes,their dreams and struggles. Susan Sarandon,Winona Ryder,Christian Bale and the rest of the casting are so good,the story begin with 4 March girls- Meg,Jo,Beth and Amy- sitting in their living room,lamenting their poverty.The girls decide that they will each buy themselves a present in order to brighten their christmas.Soon,however they change their minds and decide that instead of buying present for themselves they will buy for their mother,Marmee.Marmee comes back with a letter from Mr March,the girls father,who is serving in the civil war.The letter inspires the girls to bear their burdens more cheerfully and not to complain about poverty. Mama really loves watching the girls growing up as little women, enjoying themselves without spending money,they read books to each other,they played theatre in their bedroom.Despite being poor they care about those less fortunate then them which caused Beth her health.They hug each other all the time,sit in the bed cuddling,tickling,laughing,they love each other and try to realize the other's dream. The story had a sad ending as Beth died in the end, mama was devastated and really hope it won't end that way , mama had always hope that winona ryder who played Jo and the strongest among the four girls accept Christian Bale (the neighbour and childhood friend)when he proposed, but life won't turn up to be as what you always want.Now that mama has mama's own little women,mama hopes you will love each other.Both must learn to care,stand and support each other.You can have different dream,hopes and ways of doing things but you must remember that you are so lucky to have each other.This love cannot be bought from shop and cannot be traded with money or things.Remember that darlings.
My own sweet little woman-Tia Khadeja
The other sweet little woman- Mia Ayesha
These two small girls fight,hug and kiss.
Sometimes or most of the time,they are drama queens:)wink.wink
Tia you must take care of Mia,your other half.
Mama will always love you both equally,fairly.
" Mama stop being so serious..take a break, have a raisin first.."
Despite being tired in the evening mama will try to take you to the park,mama wants you to enjoy life..see what other kids are doing.
Mia loves going to the nearest park to see people flying kites
Tia on the other hands always look forward to go the play area...
The playground can be dangerous sometimes as there are big kids who are really means and rough.
The main attraction at the park are colourful kites.
The park has lovely shade etc but pople just love to litter here in Malaysia.
The little women enjoying themselves.
Tia made funny sound "eook eookk""
"Mama i don't want to go down"
last nite we opened another two presents..they are from auntie mimie and niza, they found these sweet indoor slipper from auntie's mimie bag,it comes with a matching pyjamas,they love the sets.
The girls feel they are really cute in the pyjamas last nite:)..both dancing and made a catwalk infront of mama papa after that they sat down to do colouring and sticking stickers activities,auntie roza has given them lovely stickers's books and they got wonderful colouring books plus the crayon from mama's friends.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
2nd Birthday Party at Monterez Golf and Country Resort
Alhamdulillah dan selesai majlis makan2 2nd Birthday Tia and Mia at Poolside Monterez Golf and Country Resort last saturday 0n 27.06.2009,their actual birthday was on 24.06.09. Mama suka hati sangat sebab kak ikin buat cake birthday yang sungguh cantik,fisrt time dia buat but it turned out to be so nice and beautiful,tak payah tempah kedai lagi dah masa depan:)Maklang pulak buat cup cakes yang sungguh cantik2 dan sedap,makcik goreng nugget dan pakcik baca doa.So rasa happy, apart from we ordered food from the club the rest semua buat sendiri both families mama and papa hadir and kawan2 mama and Tia mia too.Thanks to everbody yang attend, dapat jumpa triplets auntie linda,ghazi encem anak auntie linda photog dan semua wonderful people.Mama penat tak habis lagi,Tia Mia bad mood sikit masa awal takut belon meletup so berkepit mama papa.After event selesai at 6.00 semua family singgah rumah baru Tia Mia at Monterez untuk sembahyang asar,tak ada apa lagi kat rumah,no furniture etc except kitchen cabinets and few rugs mama bought from ikea but we had wonmderful and great time there,duduk kat verandah depan rumah sibuk bukak hadiah.Mama tak bagi bukak semua nanti Tia Mia tak appreciate,so bukak a few dulu,they really happy ,we dapat wonderful books,dresses,toys etc..and of course the bigger than life present is from kak ayan and maklang..2 hamsters..until today masih dapat lagi from auntie narimah (mama suka sangat),mimie,bie and roza..mesti tia mia happy lagi nanti,at least macam last year 5 months tak beli toys.To friends and families enjoy Tia Mia pictures below.
The girls with lovely hadiahs.
Cantik sangat cake kak ikin buat ni..we hias sama2 kat rumah.
Tia mia geram tengok the cute things on the cake..
kat dalam choc cake yang sedap kak ikin buat..
cake for twin girls..
cake on the table..ready to be cut
cuppies maklang yang yummy licious.
semua suka cuppies maklang ni..
makcik pulak goreng nugget
Tia takut kat belon meletup tapi sibuk pegang belon jugak
Tia khadeja with her summer dress and loafer..
Papa masa sibuk2 nak gantung belon..
the venue..
"ashik tia got eloon.."
the eloonn..
siap2 nak blow cut cakes
yey..we are ready to cut the cake
pakcik@ashik baca doa dulu..
thanks baca doa ashik..

panjang doa ashik ni...
Mia and papa..
Mama and tia..
kecoh2 ni..
tia and mama..the comot girls,
Tia asyik nak berkepit..takut eloon meletup
ashik layan the two girls..dapat hadiah hamster dari kak ayan..
ashik dokong dua2 sampai ashik sakit pinggang lahhh
girls and ghazi encem..
mama and auntie linda(mama's boss),she got triplet plus one 4 years old boy and mama got twins,we got pregnant dekat2 jer last time selang 3 bulan,so wonderful satu ofis,triplets and twins..
kael,the daddy,mila,tia,mama,ghazi,kyra,the mummy,mika,mia and papa
uwan..makan time uwan..
auntie niza dengan budak wildan yang baru bangun tidur..bad mood sikit lagi ni..tapi jumpa cup cakes terus ngapp la wildan..

panjang doa ashik ni...


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