Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Fulltime Housewife
Heni is going back to Lampung IndonesiaTuesday next week, and mama gonna be a fulltime housewife for 2 weeks.Mama bought Heni KLM return ticket KL-Jakarta-KL,the price is really good RM420 only.Starting next Monday we will have 24 hours together,what are we going to do girls?Papa promised to take few days off,may be we can go somewhere but weather is not so good now,raining season has started if it continues until puasa time..susah sketlah nak pi pasar ramadhan in the evening (heh..hehh melencung lakk..ingat pasar ramadhan already) Today mama made a follow up with your new kindergarten in TTDI, they can't enroll you immediately as they are running a small day care centre with 16 children only,they prefer small number so that they can have hands on each children and have been practising this for the past 20 years.So we ve got to wait for a vacancy which insyallah gonna be soon as one family will be leaving to Kuwait soon. Initially mama tak de rush nak enroll you both immediately as we still have our Shichida Class until September then you have another 2 semesters to go until you reach 3 years old June next year(Shichida intake is from 3 months to 3 years old) but when mama checked out this school they are good mama really likes the program,you will have great time there,they have excursions to farm,post office,"school in a park",baking with teachers and they also have ustazah coming teaching basic iqraq,doa etc for older children. Mama had a long chat with Mama Yong (the owner) and the co ordinator Miss Amy this morning,they took their time to explain in great details to mama,took mama for a tour and invite you both to join them Wednesday next week and stay there until lunch.They have asked mama what is your favourite food and mama told them "pasta" so Wednesday next week they will have a "pasta day".The fee is slightly on a higher side but with good program and good food there's nothing much to complaint, especially when Shichida is far more expensive then them with only 1 hour,once a week.Education is not cheap for small children nowadys, with that fee you can send children to University and bearing that in mind mama papa got to plan and work hard,we pray to Allah we be blessed with good health and rezki insyallah we will prepare you a foundation in life, the rest is up to you both,not to excel to become genuis or rich but to be a good human being and to always have both feet on the ground.
sebut puasa dah teringat gulai telur itik dengan asam belimbing yang cair2 sikit,siram kuah banyak2,sambal tempoyak,kerabu pucuk paku belacan sabah style..aduss sedapnya...
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elok sgt ler ader blog ni.. tak ter catch up nk baca.. saya yg sibuk kot =)
ingatkn akak bhenti kerja tadi, 2 minggu ngan tia mia tu seronak takper
kejap jer masa berlalu nnti
Aunty Heni balik kejap ye.. susah tu. I bole imagine..sure seronok twin 2 org tu nanti.. esok mama dia start keje balik.. hmm, nangis la tu.. :)
Tia Mia masuk kindergarten mana tu Kak Zue? mmg la kan, nowdays... mahal2.. tu yg rasanya, biarla gee ni 3org aja kot.. bole kasi diorg cukup education..Insya Allah. Wah, pasni the twins will get new friends la lagi.. besttt
ok.. dah.. dah habis baca all enries tia mia yg auntie missed hari tu.. :-)
Sonok lah ye tia mia mama ada 2 minggu dekat rumah.. boleh buat macam2 aktiviti.. boleh tumpu sepenuh masa kat u all berdua.. Setiap hari lain2 aktiviti.. bestnyaaa.. like me ni azu a stay at home mom.. memang sumtimes kena draw out activities for irfan so dia tak boring hari2 dok buat perkara yang sama.. and to make sure he learned new things each day. Betapa cepat anak membesar.. time2 macam ni lah nak digunakan sepenuhnya kan..
Ok Tia Mia kalau dah masuk school baru tu good luck ye.. mesti best dah ramai kawan nanti :-)kalau nak date ngan abg irfan pun jomlah.. sementara mama cuti tu.. hehehhe ;-)
sedapnya lauk kampung gini...gulai telur itik ngan asam belimbing tu yang paling best tuh...kalu tak silap pnh ada entry pokok asam belimbing kat belakang rumah utk uwan kan... sll kat kg jer ada tanam pokok nih...
jeles la dok rumah berkepit ngan tia mia smp 2 minggu....mcm2 boleh buat....rindu la plak ms cuti bersalin smp 3 bulan ritu...dok gomokkan badan...hahaha...sib baik kategori slim lagik..
for how long u will be without maid? u staying around tmn tun ker (since u mention nak anta ur kids to Mama yong's place)
come over lah bring ur kids for playdate =)
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