Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mari Bercinta Sampai Mati!

Salam :):)

Wuuu very saucy title isn't it? haha..pagi2 lagi my house dah ada sinteron indonesia..dalam i sibuk2 menghidang bakso sedap panas2..Heni tercungap-cungap bagi kat I phone cakap husband dia nak cakap..macam ada kematian "jantung heni mau gugur puan!" Waduhhh;( Rupa2 nya anak lelaki dia di paksa kahwin dalam masa terdekat ni,sebab dah berkawan dgn this girl dah 4 tahun,patutnya tahun depan nak kahwin,raya hari tu si teruna terima parcel dari officemate perempuannya..girlfriend jadi jealous..bergaduh,girlfriend cakap "kamu ingat gue kisah..kalau gue petik jari sehari 12 lelaki gue bisa dapat".Si teruna sangat tercabar terus putus girl pulak terus telan berpuluh biji ubat tidur dan kritikal masuk hospital..abang si girlfriend yang kerja polis telah mengamuk dan suruh lah anak si Heni kahwin jugak bulan November ni..huishhh itu ceritanya..gue ingat suaminya yang mau kahwin!

Susah jadi perempuan ni kadang2..kalau kita dah berkawan lama..bila bergaduh kita marah..we feel like  walking out from the relationship but kita jugak yang rugi,just imagine we spent 4 years with him. for nothing.At the same time kita punya harga diri..if he really loves you,you shouldn;t be forcing and begging him..if he is really sincere dia lah yang patutnya tak sabar2 nak kahwin dengan kita.

If a girl is really strong she should just walk out..again it is not easy to face the society and mend our broken heart.Tak sesenang yang di ucap..bila memikirkan saat2 indah bersama..bila hampir setiap hari bersama,sometimes we cannot bear to be alone..we rather be hurt than be alone and abandoned..this is always the case..we have to swallow our pride for the sake of our heart:(

Tak semua yang bernasib baik punya kisah cinta bagai puteri2 zaman putera nampak ajer si puteri terus jatuh cinta sanggup mengharung lautan api buatnya.kadang2 di sebalik sebuah perkahwinan yang meriah itu telah banyak air mata di curah kan..itu lah cabaran hidup seorang wanita.

So to all sisters out there yang masih single harungi lah hidup ini dengan tabah..pertahankan apa yang worth di pertahankan but move on kalau hubungan itu tak punya penghujung..dalam keadaan apa pun walaupun kita tak punya harta,emas menggunung tapi jika kita masih ada harga diri itu lah yang membuat kita kuat..boleh berjuang menentang apa saja kekejaman.Diri kita sangat berharga..jika orang lain tak mahu menghargainya biarlah kita yang meletakkannya di tempat yang sepatutnya.Berdoa lah banyak2 kita ada tempat untuk meminta..jangan lupa itu.

Psss..Ramadhan, I think you ll be a fine knight in shining armour..a pujaan indeed;):)

This morning sebelum Sinetron bermula i pun masuk dapur nak buat bee hoon soup:) I always like bee hoon soup yang simple just good meatballs, lots of spinach,ground white pepper,garlic and shallot. Note: sebelum lupa pada sis yang tanya apa jenis telur i selalu guna utk Tia Mia punya half boiled eggs..i masak telur biasa ajer..selalunya omega yang harga RM4.90 per pack of 10.Hard boiled eggs is the best kalau takut kolesterol tinggi:)

I pound the white pepper,garlic and shallots, fry until  it turns brown,add in the meatballs and let the meatballs turn slightly yellow, finally add in the water,salt and a half cup of beef stock,add spinach and let it boil.

Dah seminggu teringin nak membuat Teh special seperti yang di ajar this morning i pun brew the tea,cardamon and few other things according to the recipe;)

My bakso@beehoon soup with meatballs..sangat sedap menghirup until sinetron start:):)

Uh lala..a true winner..two thumbs up! a really nice husband couldn't stop sipping it..the aroma of cardamon,pandan was really menusuk kalbu..sangat sedap indeed;):) Thanks Rose.

Tengahari i suruh Heni keluar pi jalan2 ke Giant menenangkan fikiran and these two girls since Friday been drumming into my ears to bake cake:):) So today i jadi full housewife,maid keluar bershopping i masak dan kemas rumah dari pagi..dah lunch,terus continue buat cake pulak demi gadis2 genit tercinta ini:);)

I made a simple plain vanilla sponge cake..harap2 jadi..husband pun excited jugak..dia suka tengok anak2 gadis kenit dia duduk dapur dengan i;):)

Tadaaaa hasilnya..quite a nice sponge cake..harum semerbak satu rumah..uwan pun excited:):) i put some cherries on top just to make the girls happy;)

Tia Mia requested to celebrate Minnie's Birthday with the cake..sure girls girls,no problem..Happy Birthday Minnies..we will always love you;);)

Apa pun penat lelah tetap berbaloi melihat yang tukang makannya..Alhamdulillah..Thanks to those wishing me a happy is a happy weekend indeed:):)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oh My weekend is here..don't end yet ya;)

Salam and Hullooo;):)

Friday si budak Ayan smsed me "maksu kita nak datang rumah,dah lama tak jumpa everybody" I replied "datang lah maksu will cook special chicken soup with potato:)" So she came,after dinner kita orang sibuk lah bertukar informasi pasal shopping online,she introduced me to The Pop Look lah,Cottonon Online Asia..akhir nya "ter order' lah 2 tops and 2 bottoms for Tia Mia from Cottonon..tu lah Yan maksu dah cakap "berhantu" shopping online ni!
Borak2 pasal tweed jacket then teringat mine yg beli kat geneva,masih tergantung kat almari tak berpakai due to rasa tak selesa etc.The tweed yang looks similar like the above pun bertukar tangan ke Ayan:):)

Bila Ayan datang teringat lah scarft yang Ayan bought for me masa Raya..tak pakai lagi,so the next day i wore to office lagi pun ada lunch appointment with external people.I MMS the picture to Ayan with message "Ayan maksu dah pakai scarft Ayan,and mesti kau cakap "pasal apa maksu nak kena senyum senget2" ha ha ;);)

While waiting for my lunch partner to arrive i had good time browsing at Mark&Spencer..uishh kalau time tak plan nak beli banyak pulak yang berkenan;)

Some people said M&S jual baju2 untuk orang tua2 ajer..well i pun dah tua..muahaaa haa..tapi itu dulu,now i rasa quite okay dah the collection..i like their nighties section,..mesti rambang mata;)

Jom kita tengok lagi ye ke collection untuk orang2 tua ajer;);)

Hmmm not so tua kan..he he..Camilla parker bini si Charles wont wear this;) or dia wear yang colourful lagi sebab tu Charles hilang rambut..he he

Wahh a matching bra....nice jugak..okay budak2 tak boleh tengok okay;):)

Then Miss Chan came..walaupun business friend but dah jadi macam kawan..we cerita macam2 pasal family bila jumpa..since makan2 banyak sgt this week we decided to go for 'lighter and healthier' food at Good Evening Bangkok.

Tapi tomyam dalam coconut milk tak der lah healthy pun he he..

Siakap with chillies and lime memang sedap;)

This week memang teruk sikit asyik makan non stop..garlic shrimp at Bubba Gum on Wednesday was really nice.

Tapi tak suka sangat lah BG served food on paper..anyway their ribs sedap jugak walaupun tak se sedap TR.

The sparkling drinks pun semua sedap:)

This morning i made some ciabatta toast,grilled smoke beef and sunny side up eggs.

The Ciabatta bread from The baker was really nice, i sliced it thick spread it with butter (but my case margerine sebab butter dah habis;)) and toast it on a pan.Eat with grilled smoke beef,cheese and egg..sedap:) Anyway uwan makan nasi lomak..her rezki bebudak dari flat berhampiran datang bunyi loceng jual nasi lemak bungkus,beli lah 2 bungkus untuk uwan and heni:)

Saturday morning is a relax time for the girls..nanti tengahari nak pi piano class pulak.

Hu hu saya dapat jugak sambar satu baju dari M&S..and terus pakai nak hantar Tia Mia piano class he he.

Balik dari hantar Tia Mia class beli some groceries.berlumba-lumba dengan Heni nak basuh ikan..penat pun i cepat2 basuh..sayang punya pasal dengan tenggiri i yg cantik..Heni basuh kang habis lembik pucat lesi..hee hee fussy ke saya? tak nyer saya sayang ikan ajer;);)

And Friday dah ambik stock kat orang FAMA kat office semua benda2 frozen ni..saya ada meatballs boleh buat bakso yang sodap nanti:):)

Petang ni bawak uwan jalan ke park..ada pulak pakwe senior datang duduk...he he uwan muncung ajer,...tapi sian uncle ni kat pinggang dia tergantung plastik urine dan wayar..tapi masih gigih dia berjalan di park dari rumah dia yang agak jauh..i pun layan2 lah dia bercakap;) macam tu lah kita kadang2 sihat tak begitu menghargai keupayaan boleh ber exercise di park sebagainya tapi bila kita dah sakit..kiat pun sangat menghargai tenaga ...yang bercakap ni pun dah berapa lama tak jogging ni:);)

malam ni sedapnya melayan ni dah lama tak makan;)

Esok pagi nak buat bee hoon soup with meatballs rasanya.

So selamat malam semua..dan terimalah sedekah senyuman dari Tia(when she was 3 yr old):);)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Secangkir Teh Di dalam Kabus:)

Salam and Hullo..ha ha..yang benar..saya kepingin bangat sejak dari sore semalam merebus cardamon bersama daun pandan dengan teh serbuk kuning serta menghirupnya ketika masih hangat..istimewanya kalau bisa menikmati secangkir teh itu didalam kabus ketika kaki masih diselimuti kain mulus belunjur di atas ranjang berona lembut sambil melempar pandangan keluar jendela..melihat bertapa indah tetes tetes embun..memberi segar pada mawar yang berkembang mekar tanpa malu:):) 

He he yang benar..yang benar ajer..hasilnya meminum secangkir teh Buk Heni yang tiada cardamon atau pandan paling berchop "Boh" saja saya sudah bicara bahasa Indo. 
Muahaaa haaa anyway i had fruits and hardboiled eggs for breakfast today.

The truth is; i ve been thinking about a short getaway lately..i really nak cuti2 lagi..enggak bisa menahan nya lagi.Due to that i have sms The Other Half a long message yesterday,telling him about balik raya haji,nak Qurban for us,etc etc..dan di penghujungnya i told him  how i crave to go lah sebab kena  hati2 menyusun ayat biar meruntun hati nya sebab cuti dia dah tinggal sikit!!!!! due to our long Geneva/Paris trip in was a 22 days trip;):) i lain lah half of it was ayat harus disusun semolek mungkin supaya dia bisa faham bahawa sang isteri bukan tanpa fikiran mau bersantaian tanpa mengira apa..tetapi dia benar2 mendambakan sebab badan pun dah di ulit Sang Thai Odyssey sebanyak 2 kali masih terasa penat lagi:);)

Setelah 5 jam sms di hantar yang panjang lebar penuh justification and fact yang tidak boleh ditepikan oleh mana2 counsel pun..baru lah jawapan yang sangat panjang masuk berbunyi "Ok" hishhh begitu lama mengambil masa mahu menjawab hanya itu sahaja yang bisa di tulisnya..apa pun "ok' itu bisa buat saya senyum..sudah terbayang secangkir teh bermadu,berlemon,telur setengah masak..duduk bersantai di tepi ladang mawar dan strawberry;)

The first place in mind is Cameron Highlands..i always love CH..i think because of the weather,many of us in the family love CH.We suka Strawberry Park..penuh nostalgia:);) hmm i ve got to decide soon... saya enggak bisa menunggu lama untuk membuat big family gathering..saya mau ke sana sekarang jugak!

To those yang tak pernah pergi CH yang menulis didalam entry sebelum ni berbunyi "hasut lah saya hasut lah saya ke CH"..ha ha ada banyak sebab jugak nak ke CH..but first you have to love need to fall in love with the flower,the vege,the insect,the weather,the architecture..and your ultimate breakaway should be " aku,kabus,strawberry,teh hangat,selimut tebal,steamboat,roses dan cinta hati"

Another option and deep inside i also love "Damai Laut" ..the place was just perfect for me and my family;)

Swiss Garden Kuantan not too bad either..the sand is white and room quite cosy.

Kalau Port Dickson pulak sudah terlalu kerap..jadi jawabnya "aku dan kehidupan" lah pilihan hati:)

Habis berbicara tentang hati..back to reality..i had good business lunch at Bubba Gump yesterday. The two ladies from PPM were really nice,we had a very good conversation and lunch. They are the type of people who will offer you to taste their drink and don't mind tasting yours as well:) They ordered so much food i.e 600 grams of grilled shrimps,ribs,shrimp balls,ceaser salad until tak boleh habis and they packed for me to take home:)

Then we talked about holiday, shopping..the conversation travelled to Disney Paris,Hong Kong,London and finally Guangzhou (which the lady  pronounced as  "Guang Jo, she said Guang Jo is mandarin while Guangzhou is Hokkien) ..anyway we talk about the cheap things there and she told me that i can buy the android which i purchased for Tia Mia here at RM350 each for only RM150.00 only there..wahhh really cheap wonder so many people go to Guang Jo! and Fillakasihs saya suka bangat entry kamu ke Guangzhou..sangat menarik!

Apa pun sangat happy tak lama lagi nak balik Raya Haji..InshAllah! Kampung uwan is the best destination:)

And so nice to masak2 at kampung:);)

Duduk melepak tak buat apa2 sambil tegur orang lalu lalang pun sangat best tau:):)

And kalau banyak petai tepi jalan kita beli petai yang tua2 tu and gulai with ikan tenggiri..fuyoooo sangat marbeles;)

Hajjah Aminah Abd Rahman..nanti kita balik kampung ye;):)

Finally lots and lots of loves buat semua;)

P.s The Singing Pilot..siapa nama you? nanti kalau nak singgah Opah strawberry farm tu tak tau pulak nak sobut namo haaa...
Kak Kasih Redha- dah few times dah tinggal komen kat blog akak tapi tak pernah appear..enggak bisa gitu..kenapa ya?
AnnHuzi- i jumpa kawan BU you hari tu:);) we promised to meet up one day;):)
and yang nak balik kolo pilah..tresure your time in KP;)
Bagi yang lain inshAllah saya singgah blog kalian semua nanti;):)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bila Saya Bercuti:):)

Yesterday i asked my staff to check my AL balance:) She said "15 days!" Wahh i was so excited,so i took 1 day off today to run some 'errands':):)After i dropped Tia Mia at the kindy and told Claire that i am going to pick them late,I drove to the nearby Mall.I was so early that even toilet is not open yet:) I must be really excited kan:):)

My first 'errand' was visiting SKII counter:) And this is my second 'errand".Yup i went for massage again....reason; badan sakit2 after the first massage so you need a follow up*wink*wink*

Ohhh i was so bliss..bliss and heaven to have people washing your feet..and then massage your body for 2 hours! After massage i went with my lunch buddy to have lunch at My News and both of us had Cantonese Bee Hoon:):) It is always nice bila semua orang kerja and kita tak..hee hee..anyway kesian my friend she had to go back office alone after that while i merayau-rayau lagi;)

After i collected my Mac at the service centre,i went to pick Tia Mia with loaf of rolled cake for Teacher Claire:)

Actually dah few weeks dah my SKII punya stock dah habis,asyik tertangguh-tangguh..tak ada masa in between office hours nak menyelinap to get the things.

I bought my basic Cleanser,moisturiser..i still have my essence at home so i tambah beli oil cleanser as the promoter tu cakap cleanser alone not enough to remove make up..pandailah dia orang nak suruh kita beli macam2;) Anyway i got free SKII products tthat can last at least 1 month for me.

I got this nice table mirror for free too..boleh lah letak office kalau tak petang balik tudung memang serabai sebab i  malas to go to washroom to check my tudung after Asar:)Kadang2 i sanggup balik turun ikut tangga belakang sebab malas nak teserempak dengan orang sebab surely tudung haywire;)

Ha ha dapat mask free..i terus takutkan Tia Mia..terjerit-jerit budak dua orang tu..but this mask is truely nice and good to your skin.You can buy a single piece for a RM48 per piece.

And you know what if you buy SKII you ll get this nice Japanese steamer for free! Ha ha ..just joking..i got voucher worth RM190 actually so macam dapat voucher usual sampai tak tau nak redeem apa.Steamer i memang dah buruk kat rumah,the electric steamer pulak not so practical..nak kena keluarkan dari kotak..nak kena pasang,nak kena cuci,simpan balik etc.So i went to check out few steamer, i like Zebra brand steamer but too mahal it is priced at RM300..i found this Endo from Japan,it is priced at RM179.00 and just within my voucher budget.Cantik kan..berkilat2 macam kulit muka lepas pakai SKII!

Terus gantung kat belakang kalau simpan nanti tak berpakai;)

Hmmm nak steam apa pulak this weekend kan?

Then i tengok jam hari dah pukul 5.30..ohhh no my day off going to end soon;(;( I will  try to enjoy every minutes of it! I called Uwan to the kitchen and made her a mug of Milo and i served her kueh kasui which i bought from the nyonya stall.I always enjoy sitting at the table cutting vegetables while listening to uwan bercerita..the feeling goes back far to kampung time..when i was small and she was young, she always in the kitchen and i always listened to her stories..that bonding and love shaped me into who i am today.

I cooked masak lemak daging with terung bulat today. Ada few yang passed comments to me; i asyik masak ajer and my fb penuh gambar food;) I just smile..when you were small there's only two things that matter to you i.e Love and cry for food and you cry for love..since life is like a wheel when you are old only these two will matter to you again i.e..You need love and you feel happy with food..I am so fortunate diberi peluang oleh Allah swt to have the young and the really old under my roof..selagi terdaya i will cook and love them with all my heart;);)

I sendiri actually tak really fancy masak lemak everyday..I sangat suka asam pedas or benda yang berebus or i masak singgang for myself..i suka singgang banyak serai,halia dan kuah sikit.:):)

Nak cerita sikit,...camana lah i tak kena masak semua benda kat rumah lah rupa Heni goreng telur,,dah 5 tahun duduk dgn i heni masih belum bisa membuat telur dadar yang shape dia bulat..bila tanya 'heni kenapa heni tak boleh buat telur dadar bulat?" dia jawab' gimana ya puan,kalau heni balik dia mesti patah dan jadi begini" maleh lah den cakap..biar den ajo yang goreng;);)

Finally tak ada apa yang nak di komplen pun..Alhamdulillah dengan kurniaan Allah swt..kegembiraan kecik2 ada lah nikmat tak ternilai;):)

To Ann Huzi yang tanya pasal painting pashik tu,i belum berkesempatan tanya Pashik lagi Ann,nanti dia dtg i tanya okay.
Yang tanya pasal periuk Kuala Pilah,kedai dia next to kedai rojak di pasar;)
To Rose Penang..terimakasih banyak2 atas Recipe Teh excited nak cuba ni;)
And to everybody else.Salam,nanti i check balik mana queries yang i miss okay.