Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
2 weeks leave has started
Today mama dah start cuti..kesibukan dah bermula..to begin with our washing machine plug dia terbakar pulak malam tadi..our maid is going back tomorrow and mama ada macam beratus perkara nak buat...bank call tt duit heni to indonesia tak go through la,nak tukar rupiah dia la..nak get this and that la..hari ni buat entry terakhir sebelum cuti tak sempat nak visit sesiapa..nanti kita blog lagi bila mama free..mama hopes to have fun with you all during this leave..to all friends take care..to gee selamat berangkat to riyadh moga semuanya selamat,to auntie ann huzi nanti kita cerita lagi,to maklang nanti kita datang rumah and to auntie nerry jaga office baik2 jangan asyik moonlight2..hehh..hehh.

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ok ok tiamia be gud gurl do make mama blood go upstairs hehe.. to zue this is the time to enjoy... take positif klu nampak kelibat aku kat jusco ke ikea ke ikano ke waktu office maksudnya old habit dies hard.. keh keh
ok kak..
selamat bercuti...
mesti penat nak layan bebudak 2 tuh...
hehe..enjoy ur holiday sis,..heheheh
slmat menyibukkn diri dirumah yer kak..
klau org bujang cam saya mmg takder kat K.L. dah nie.. khi3
tia mia plak jgn sibuk2 kaco mama, dah cukup seratus perkara mama nk buat tu
nnti tia mia boleh jadikkn seratus kpd seribu perkara plak dia kene buat =)
boleh suruh mama cook yg best2 kan =)
yeye.cuti.boleh dtg rumah kite bawak tia mia n uwan tengok ayam katek.
maksu.kita pinjam gamba birthday tia mia untuk blog baru.cekidout y'all.
Kak Zue baru nak cuti rupanya...Haa, Tia Mia jgn noty2, be good gurl.. nanti mama tak nak cuti panjang lagi.. :-D No worries, am sure utk masa yang singkat tu,mesti semuanya best tu.. semoga Aunty Henni selamat kembali bekerja..
Thanks for your wish Kak Zue... ;-)
i just found ur funny fren nerry. i've bn looking for her cos i like her humour.
Funny thing is i've tried few times but i couldnt find her wen i click fr ur "i read".
ditakdirkan...i found her fr mama-elin-erin.
i bedah siasat, ulang2 click nak tau mana silapnya. hasil kesungguhan i, i solved the mystery! nak tau? ur funny fren kurangkan penggunaan RRRRRR by 1. haha the cost of being the perfect speller ;)
i tink i may have more than 1 thing in common with nerry ;)
he he ann so sweet of you to solve the mystery.. ya la this mamatiamia so perfect even I got my strawbery spell wrongly and she just tag is as the perfect strawberry he he and sometimes it will be torberry (kg style) ha ha
Hi mama, very cute lah your angels..love their curly hair..
Maksu...ikin baru je dapat luangkan masa...habiskan entry maksu . banyanyaaa tertinggalll...lama dah tak jenguk2 and update2 blog.
Selamat bercuti. Happy belated birthday...
TQ for the asam pedas, sardin goreng, ikan masin, sambal tempoyak and petai. Nyum nyum.
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