Mama loves this picture:) Sista Love:) Having fun after the ikea accident.It was so unfortunate yesterday,we went to Ikea and Tia knocked her head on the sharp end of steel table .The table or more like a stand are many and every where in ikea,they are the documents holder.It was exactly same height as Tia and reached her head just nice to cause grevious hurt.Tia cried so loud,must be really really hurt,sian Tia and she kept saying "mama nak go far from here,nak go far from here".Ikea was quite bad they didn't have the First Aid kit to attend to the accident,it took them ages to come up with the ice bag and cream,since Tia was crying non stop and didn't like the attention mama managed to put the icebag for mins only,it works some how,see there's no bruise in the picture but it was quite a scene yesterday and papa gave them some serious lectures since they dont have the First Aid Kit. To those with small kids out there be careful at ikea there are objects that can do harm.

Took both to Ikano and let them enjoy this rides.

"Tia adik peluk you"

" Wargghhhhhh mama, kakak nak go far from ikea,kakak nak empty place,kakak nak big toy mama,kakak nak tall ice cream"..that's what she said yesterday..cewahhhh pandai anak mama mengambil kesempatan.Tia and Mia can talk very well now adays..sometimes mama feels like they are more than 2 10 months old,like yesterday when mama was tired and sit at the corner of the bed quietly,Tia came and asked "mama what happen to you? are you okay? are you sad?don't be scared..we are in our home mama".

kadang2 gaduh..kadang sayang..pening jugak kepala,beli benda semua dua,exactly the same but they still fight,botol susu dia orang cakap tak sama besar..gaduh nak yang lebih besar..

Mama bought gum boots for both yesterday,senang nak main kat garden.Mama was looking for it quite sometimes,found yesterday at ikano quite pricey RM69.90 each..tapi dua2 ni tak sabar nak pakai..they looked so funny walking around in their gum boots.

Saturday,we went to Kid's Education fair at PWTC,ramai orang and so banyak booth.Just checking around for good kindergarten,school etc.

These two had fun there.

Among beratus kindys kat exhibition tu like smart reader,bumble bees etc..both love this school.."Eton House, at Jalan Eaton near the Spanish Embassy.Wahhh pandai nya memilih yang paling mahal kan..tak pe lah sayang tengok jer lah..

Eton House runs high quality pre-schools and International schools in Singapore and Asia pacific region.They are Reggio Emilia(french) inspired school,they will start they operation for the first time in Malaysia at the two double storeys bungalow at Jalan Eaton with 45,000 feets garden.They gonna be absolutely wonderful,the are UK developed program but with different approach and ran away from the Bristish structured education. But thing like this never come cheap,the yearly fees for kindergarten is RM24K for each children and excluding deposit etc..if you have two then you got to pay around RM50K per year...haa,,haaa go tadika bistari ye lah girls.

See, the girls immediately love the Eton House booth and the people there.

The English lady gave a very good briefing and she loves Tia Mia,she said" look you beautiful girls warm up immediately,if you are really interested we can arrange the transport for the girls"..Heee..hee not just the location but $$$$ factor as well.

Finally we stopped at "Pingu English"..how can Pingu teach English when he can't even talk? When papa asked the guy there" what language is Pingu using?" he said " Penguin language"..Kihh.kihhh
ya they look so loving! kakak sakit, adek pujok! mahalnya boots! tapi lagi mahal itu sekolah cik eton :D
kat sini pun itu skola paling mahal. mesti la tersangat menarik. kalau ada duit semua best la. mostly yg send expats, dan yg upper2 class yg very likely the children will go international schools esp if they go public school mesti tak suka dgn cara yg tak fun mcm international style.
ye la ann itu sekolah ci eton sangat mahal..so mama cakap sekolah "puan zuraidah" ye la cukup:)..kalau terlebih duit macam2 boleh buat kan:)
bijaknya tia mia berkata2..:)
biasanya kan k.zue, ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalu tidak ke nasi :D
mesti mama/papa jenis yg selalu bercakap, in full sentences, in detail..anak2 mesti ikut sama..
aunty suka la tia mia's hair..so curly. gulung2 at the end nampak mcm bertocang jer. nice boots too!
bab kejap sayang, kejap berebut dan everything nak sama tu berlaku kat bukan twins jugak k.zue..danish dan batrisyia tu pon camtu. inikan pulak twins...hehe
ye la aunty rambut tia mia sangat gulung2:)memang kerja dia orang asyik berebut jer ya liyana..kadang2 malas nak layan,gasak lah berebut:)
ala shian tia...nasib baik tak benjol sana sini...cute lg bole sambung jln2 lg...
mak aihhh mahal bonar RM25k setahun...boleh renovate dapur rumah..tak pon bole beli kancil cash atau pon beli beg LV hahaha
Aduih.. ngeri pulak auntie baca bab Tia accident tu.. siannyaaa Tia.. mesti kuat dia nagis tu kan.. kalau auntie ada masa tu,... angan auntie2 sekali gi lecture kan staff2 kat ikea tu.. they must know ada some section kat situ is not children friendly.. safety must come first.. esp kalau kedai2 besar camni.. sangatlah takleh tolerate kalau takde 1st aid.. Nasib baik Tia strong girl ye.. pandai pulak tu trick ajak mama gi tempat lain ye.. ehhe so boleh main2 lagi.. bijak2...
ps: so azu.. dah ada ke pre school pilihan.. nowadays anak nak masuk preschool pun ngalahkan yuran masuk U kan.. kiter dulu baya derang ni.. dok main bawah umah.. main konda kondi.. main guli.. main tanah.. besar sket main galah panjang.. darjah satu baru nak kenal ABC..
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