Since we didn't follow papa to Munich when he came back last weekend we asked him to take us to play snow..so we went to "Korea".See our photo above,we had so much fun at Genting Snowland haaa..haaa..it was our first experience with snow.We were excited,we put on our winter gears and headed into the wonderful snowland..Mia was brave she and papa went down the slides, it was high and slippery.It was really cold inside the snowland,we had red,runny nose and we love seeing smokes coming out from our mouth.It was very memorable for us and mama papa.

Papa has few wonderful pictures at
Munchen@Munich, mama uploaded here so that papa can have beautifull memories in our blog.Papa had great journey from Frankfurt to Munich,he took a 3 hours plus train,he told mama that the old lady he sat next to in the train was such a wonderful one, instead of papa looking after her(as she was eigthy plus),she look after papa like a son,asked people to give way to papa and managed to get younger man to help papa with the luggage etc.

This is the Kempinski Hotel in Munich where the Forum was held, papa didn't stay here, instead he stayed at a smaller hotel not far from Kempinski.

Munich is wonderful and fulled with historical buildings, it was very cold during papa's stay there,the temperature was 5 degrees and below,sometimes it rained and papa said the best thing to do when it rains is to sit in cafe and sip hot latte...and of course indulge in his favourite jacket potato too:)

The Beautiful Munchen at night.

Papa stayed somewhere here at a small hotel called "Falkenturm"..he said the service was nice and the breakfast was great too.

This is the only picture of papa as evidence that he was indeed in Munich:)

Our Musa Hitam in action during the Malaysia- Europe,Munich Spring Dialogue.

The Historic Munich..compared to Frankfurt and according to papa's view Munich is more like Vienna..hmm mama and papa love our Vienna trip,it was one of our most wonderful trip.

Fine gift shop in Munich..papa bought frame picture and tea plates.

Beautiful florist shop selling dried flower arrangement.

This is papa's interest..wherever he goes he will pop into market or groceries store to check out the pricing of fresh fruits.

Papaya is his great interest..papaya in Munich is selling at 2.90 euro each which makes it RM14.50.

Beer Garden is the usual view in Munich and any part of Germany.

Papa joined the free tourist walk in Munich even it was free but you have got to give some tips to the tourist guide...well it's not free after all:)

Bila dah sampai rumah papa opened his luggage and the girls got this beautiful necklace and pendant from Munich..the pendant is in 'Pretzel shape".

One of the thing that papa bought and mama loves is this classic Chopard Wish Perfume..it was a very good bargain at Frankfurt airport papa said.

Uwan got a chic handbag from Munchen too.

Saturday evening, despite the jetlag papa sent us to Shichida Class

and papa took us to Pizza Uno,we had our favourite Aglio Olio Spaghetti there.

We enjoyed our spaghetti very much but at the same time menyebok dengar baby kat belakang menangis too loud..

Sunday was FUN DAY.. mama papa took us to Genting for fun rides..

It was very nice in Genting..the weather was cold and fulled with fogs.

We stopped at the top of the hill to park our car before heading to indoor theme park.

As usual we went to our park and mama gave us lunch there.

We went on carousel several times before trying the Ferris Wheels,raindeer rides,gondola etc.

Hi everybody I am in venice now after this we will take a flight to Korea and play with snow..he..hee..caya lah okay.
Waahhh...cantiknya munchen. Classic betul. Hhahaha...takkan satu je ada gambar paksu. ish ish.
Korea tu memang nampak macam real la. Enjoy betul the tenits. Mana beg barbies kak ikin beli? tak pakai pun. hihi.
Chopard wish parfume tu best nyaa. cantik. ok ke bau dia maksu?
berkobar nak jalan lagi ni haaa..ohh bag barbie tu ikin beli kerr..si heni blurr simpan lahh..patut dua org tu sibuk tunjuk2 jugak:)
ooh mahalnya papaya..my fav fruit..nak tanam sendiri ni bila ada tanah :D
hi ann, sila tanam banyak2 nanti kasi kat kita orang jugak okay:)
waaa..waaa...very nice munich. tq k.zue for sharing the pics here. tak dpt sampai, dpt tgk pon gambar pon jd ler :)
syoknya pi genting. akak selalu gak yer naik genting bawak tia mia..saya belum pernah lg bawak danish dan batrisyia..tgk pics akak ni, meronta2 hatiku tak sabar nak bawak :D
Hi dear, one day the girls will come along with Papa to wherever he goes after this. InsyaAllah. Exotic fruits kat sini memang mahal, macam disalut gold dust hubby I cakap. hehhe I Love the Brezel pendant, cute sangat. Rasa nak beli pulak for myself, I sendiri tak pernah nampak lagi diorang jual kat mana kat Stuttgart ni heheh. Brezel utk makan merata lah heheh
Hello Tia&Mia...
Dah gi main snow ye?? Sejuk tak tu :P
Nanti ajak mam gi London jumpa Mr Bean ok...
Mango tu nampak sungguh sedap...
Hello Tia&Mia... Dah gi main snow ye?? Sejuk tak tu :P Nanti ajak mam gi London jumpa Mr Bean ok... Mango tu nampak sungguh sedap...
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