Hmmm camera tak der gambar guna handphone semua larr handphone tak canggih kan:)

So cute kan the spoon and the two heart shapes in between..sudu boleh makan tau..haaa mama bought these cute chocolate from the chocolate cafes..there are many other wonderfull and yummy shapes.The spoon is called milky spoon while the heart shape is crimson heart,they are price from Rm2.90 each to Rm15.90 each depending on the shape and flavour. So balik ni tia mia boleh makan sudu:)

Then mama buat theraphy minda at ZARA,tried so hard to buy things for mama unfortunately dah try bundles of clothing tak der yang berkenan pulak so mama bought this cheerful and colourful tees and dresses for you both.

Kecewa tak dapat beli baju kat ZARA mama singgah accesorize and got this for tempted of buying you high heel like Suri Cruise..haaaa...haaaa..cannot..mana boleh budak kecik pakai heels..but they are super duper cute in red and black polka dots laaa...:)
haaaaaa bestnya sudu tu!i mean chocolate tu hahhaha...and mama nya bracelet sangat lawa tuuuu...aunty nak gak! hehe
sedapnya itu sudu.. habis tak tia mia makan? ke sayang nak makan.. nampak mcm jelly..
btw.. baca entry kat bawah.. tia mia rindu papa ye.. cium la kain pelekat papa yang tak basuh kalau ada.. i selalu buat camtu kat irfan kalau abahnya outstation Azu.. tapi selalunya at the end.. kain pelekat tu ada kat mama bukan kat irfan. hahahha!
kiut je spoon dari coklat. boleh makan pulak tu. hehee.
byknye T from zara. so bright & colorful.. It's very nice :)
re:Eizan baru baik sakit. I'll reply ur email soon.
theraphy nak ubat rindu eh mama?
layan tia mia, time shud fly fast n soon penawar rindu balek kepangkuan :D
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