Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We Love You Sensei
Dah lama jugak Tia and Mia masuk Shichida, it was since they were 1 year old or 9 months(can't really remember the exact date).Sebelum ni tak pernah ambik gambar dalam class sebab Shichida tak bagi tapi this time since their Sensei Yee Lin nak berenti end of this month mama took several shots with Sensei in the classroom. We enrolled Tia Mia in Shichida by chance,bila terjumpa couple matsalleh yang ada twins jugak kat Cold Storage,they asked us to give a try at Shichida,mama went and check out the place and we love Shichida.Yaya was Tia Mia first teacher,masa Tia Mia nak kena upgrade class Yaya was sad and the feeling was mutual with the girls and mama papa too. Now it turned out that Sensei Yee Lin is equally good and she got her own ways in winning the girls's hearts,they both love Yee Lin very much sampai jealous kalau budak lain pergi hug and duduk kat Yee Lin. Yee Lin is extremely sabar with the kids,she is very sincere and the kids can feel that, we surely will miss Sensei Yee Lin,hopefully Tia Mia can accpet the new Sensei and hope she will be equally good as Yee Lin.
Sensei we love you!
Sensei tengah bagi penerangan mengenai Tia Mia's achievement,according to Sensei they are doing good and rating is above average for children age 2.5 - 3 years old.
The most important they are happy with their class,always looking forward to Shichida Class on Saturday.
Satu classroom ada 4 orang kids jer,the maximum is 5..this is Shirley,kelakar budak ni kalau dalam class tak nak mummy dia assist dalam activities,mangsa dia mummy orang lain,last two week was mama,semua benda dia nak mama buat..datang duduk and pegang2 mama..Tia Mia apa lagi terus cakap "tu my mama..not yours"..hee..hee kelakar.
Bila class dah habis macam ni lah..tertonggeng bagai menunggu sensei tulis report dalam buku and they got to choose the stickers to be sticked in their book. Sensei will observe the performance of the day and write report of each kid, sebab tu tak boleh ramai dalam class kalau tak macam mana nak tumpu perhatian. Dalam Class Tia Mia ada Henry,Jay and Shirley. Tia Mia favourite book for this week is "Chocolate Chomping' suka betul dia orang buku ni.
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so fun tia mia in class. kat sini sensei tu yg kat kedai ubat cina ;)
ya..ya.. to me too.. ikan masin + bawang cili tu memang jahat.. surely akan bertambah tambah cedok nasik..!
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