Tanya perasaan saya bagaimana? Lihat sekuntum bunga jingga di celah rambut saya? Cornetto chocolate heaven di tangan saya..air laut yang biru,bayu sepoi bahasa...hmmm perasaan saya mesti lah berbunga-bunga cinta.

haaa.haaa..where have i,Tia and mama papa been? We paid a visit to Thistle again,mama's favourite hotel in PD:) Actually we been asking mama to to take us to the beach,last weekend since it was term break for Shichida mama papa fulfilled our request.Uwan supposed to join us but she went to maklang's house on Friday..tak pe lah uwan pun miss cucu dia kat sana..if uwan was around we will book an apartment.As usual we reached PD at lunch time and our first stop for lunch was at this mamapapa's favourite at Tanjung Tuan.Sedap makan kat cafe celah2 pokok kelapa ni tau.

" Wahhh Mia look kita dah kat beach kan..nampak pasir tu melambai-lambai lah mintak kita tabur2 kat kepala kita..jom apa tunggu lagi".

Wah mama order apa tu?

Beef with ginger and shallots was one of it plus,mixed veges and japanese tofu..berselera kita orang makan,kalau holiday memang selera tau:)

Dah kenyang makan,dah habis pasir penuh satu kepala,dah muka merah menyala sebelum pergi Thistle untuk check in kita orang duduk dulu atas rumput ni makan ice cream..syok betul.

This is our picture with ours cats while waiting for mamapapa to do registration at the counter.Like mama papa we love Thistle too..the staffs were friendly to us,they smile alot here unlike many other hotels in PD and this gives a plus point to this five star hotel.

The Porter sent us into this Seaview King Size room..we love the room,the bed was really big..see mama couldn't capture the whole picture.

Hmmm kita orang nak keluar tak sabar2 tapi mama cakap tunggu sampai matahari turun so we duduk lah kat balcony ni dulu...

Aduhhh tak sabar nya nampak air yang biru kat bawah tu...

ikut nasihat mama kita orang pun layan lah Mr Beans dulu...

We took our shower and we love playing with shampoo and bath gel..gambar mandi tak de lah mama cakap tak boleh.

Dah mandi mama suruh saya take a nap pulak..tapi mata saya tak mengantuklah..

So we sat at our favourite spot watching VCD...

Mama finally released us from the room..of we go to the beach.

Yehaaaaa..gembiranya saya berlari di padang yang luas penuh dengan pokok kelapa ke laluan nak ke pantai tu..

cik cak..pose belakang pokok kelapa dulu...

I am ready to attack the beach..

same here.. i am ready too.

The weather was good and mamapapa put our things under the big tree.

Papa pun layan kita orang..

Inilah yang kita orang idamkan..main pasir tanpa batas..

Papa buat seahorse untuk kita orang...

it was so fun playing at the beach...

the water was nice warm and we feel happy...

Mama relax under the tree and she biar papa bertungkus lumus buat macam2 kat kita orang:)

Seee.. beriya -iya anak beranak ni sampai papa sakit belakang duduk lama sangat main pasir..haa..haaa

Bila pasir dah penuh satu badan,dalam telinga pun masuk kita pun terjun masuk dalam swimming pool ni..seronok betul.

Rasa macam tak nak keluar lah..

Ada ke budak swimming pakai sunglasses...nak bergaya lah ni.

Lepas dah berendam rasa lapar dan haus pulak..mama ada bawak macaroni then she ordered coconut drink from the poolside cafe.

Haaa ini yang kita orang nak kelapa ada umbrella...

bestnyer minum air kelapa kat tepi pool..

apakah yang lebih seronok dari makan macaroni mama dan air kelapa yang manis di tepi pool?

bila angin dah bertiup baru saya rasa amat sejukkkk..tolongggg...

Walaupun sejuk tapi saya tetap nak bergaya.

what do you think of my pose here?if you can think what was on my mind mama will give you present okay:)

we went into our room,took bath and while waiting for the room service to come i practise my drawing skill, i can draw many things now such as apple,rainbow,raindrops,cats etc.

i look out at the balcony and see this beautiful view of thistle, it makes me more hungary..where is the food? i am very smart now..i know we can order food from the room,the moment i saw mama holding the menu i pun start jerit' want food now"

We inherited passion for room service from mama,the first room service was when we were 6 months old,it was in Tokyo and we were in mama's tummy:)

mama ordered quatro pizza and...

char kuew tiow with lobster meats.

we sat down at the balcony and enjoyed our food..hmm mama's camera dah tak berapa baik dah..selalu ada gambar blurr and shaking...

The food was good and we finished it all..

When we were asleep mama took few shots to test her camera..ye ke nak kena beli baru?

Then...keluar gambar twilight ni..confirm kena beli baru..mama pun takut terus dia tutup curtain and lari tidur celah2 us.

Bangun pagi dah mandi kita pun ke "Fresh"..we love having breakfast here,they have ikea's tables and chairs for small kids.

Mama tak nak ambik banyak2 nanti kita orang rambang mata,so mama suruh kita orang makan cereal with milk first.

kita orang pun makan dengan berselera..dah tu mama bagi 3 bijik half boiled eggs..plus orange and guave juice..yummy..

akhirnya papa jer lah yang makan ni..buffet spread dia memang banyak..tak boleh rambang mata,mama ate congee with condiments...and omelette and, and ...haaa..haaa banyak lah pulak.

Look i finished my juice..i am a good girl.

Before we go to our room and change to swimming gear again we stop here for a picture with mama.

pas tu continue balik with papa..best main sand waktu pagi..masih lembab so senang nak buat castle.

seronok main tak ingat apa dah...

mama then took me to 'cumulus' a pub by the sea..not to buy cocktails drink:)

but to get this non alcoholic cornetto...

the nice and warm sea water...

we called mama to join us...

masin rupanya air ni..baru tahu...

then drama..takutttt..habis kepala mama kita orang panjat..takut kat apa?

ni lah takut kat shell yang dalam dia ada crab ni bergerak laju sungguh...

lepas tu we took shower here before heading back to our room to pack,lunch and go back..

mama pun penat sungguh..takde gambar lunch,check out ke apa..tau2 dah dalam kereta ni hah heading back tu kl dengan kaki mama yang bersimpul..papa drive baik2 okay..we love you.

saya pun kaki bersimpul jugak maklumlah terompah baru ni..perut pun dah kenyang makan sate hj samuri yang baru bukak kat pd tu:)

muka terbakar pun tak per lah..janji hati senang kan...

kita pun bawak balik bag anyaman dengan 3 kuntum bunga simbol " i love u" ni untuk our uwan.bye bye everybody.
salaam mamatiamia..dulu thistle nie known as guoman kan..it is a our favourite place too..dah lama tak ke PD, nampak interior dia dah berubah..
Hi dear, tak tahan tengok kepala mama dia kena panjat dek TiaMia.LOL..Masa diorang kecik2 macam ni I suka tengok bila diorang gabra & takut or geli, sebab their expression are so genuine, real, tak dibuat-buat & kelakar pun satu jugak hheh. Anyway, the pictures are so lovely and seronok tengok all of you looked really relaxed at the end of the trip!!
wah!!.. tetiba org PD ni pun rasa nak book jugak thistle.. and have nice lunch bawah pokok kelapa.. glad to know you had great weekend in PD! tia/mia yg peluk pokok kelapa tu mesti nk mnum air kelapa lagi.. fresh from the tree.. slurrppp... btul tak??.. hee.. :)
best best beach holiday! kita kena tunggu june holidays baru boleh pergi :)
vavavava...so syiok!
so lively la tia mia..
salam salmi, yeap thistle was guoman,now under thitsle London,service good now they smile a lot..we suka:)
fasha,teruk dia orang panjat2 kepala i,really takut lah..kalau ada tinggi lagi dari kepala harus nak panjat lagi.
syanashwa..orang pd pun pergi lah thistle:)dengan bebudak ni pergi mana pun seronok..dia over excited emak bapak pun terikut-ikut.
ann,mai lah datang mesia ni..tapi kita teringin nak pi singapore pulak..tia mia nak tengok lioncity lah:)
liyana..yeap the girls are larger than life:)
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